How we work 

Flourishing Minds Fund is a pooled philanthropic organization that grants to highly-impactful organizations and individuals working on a variety of issues within the cause of global mental health.

We accept donations through a donor-advised-fund, and charge zero overhead fees for grants management. If you would like to participate in an upcoming grants round as a grantor partner, or have questions about the process contact Will.

Our Funding Priorities

Our principles  

At Flourishing Minds Fund, we prioritize opportunities that are: 


Evidence-based and data-driven


Catalytic, unlocking new dollars, data, or impact


Ambitious, centering beneficiary partners 


Scalable, with the potential to impact many lives 

Why Mental Health

Mental illnesses account for 15% of all years lived with disability, and at any one point 970,000,000 people are living with a mental disorder.

Poor mental health is associated with a greater reduction in subjective well-being than physical illness, relationship status, work status, and socioeconomic status.

At the same time, these conditions are gravely neglected by both public and private markets. Quality interventions exist to treat the global burden of mental illness, and we intend to find them and fund them.

Funding Information 

We hold open funding rounds one to two times per year. Check this website periodically for announcements of RFPs and new rounds of grants. Additionally, the Mental Health Funding Circle of which we are a part takes rolling applications.

  • We primarily fund nonprofit 501C3 organizations, although can make exceptions for a particularly impactful opportunity.

  • We generally support projects and organizations that operate in the Global South. As we believe that all lives have equal value, individuals living in these geographies are much more neglected than those in wealthier countries.

  • Our funding rounds will center around a specific sub-cause. We will be explicit about this in the announcement of a particular round of funding.